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About Submittals Reports

There are 2 available Submittals Reports that allow users to pull reporting based on the available information held within the Submittals section of the Project Management Module. 

Please note that some Organizations Create Submittal Items from the Expediting Log, for these Organizations, The Expediting Log Report can be used to see information held in both the Expediting Logs section and the Submittal section of the project. The Submittals Reports will only display information from the Submittals section. 

The 2 available Submittals Reports:

Submittal Packages Report

About the Submittal Packages Report

The Submittal Packages report is a Summary version of the Submittal Packages on the job. This report does not include details about the individual submittal items. 

Filters & Sorting

Show Grids = Includes gridlines on the PDF Print of the Submittal Packages Report. 

By Submitting Company = A dropdown that is populated with the list Companies that have a Project Member assigned to the project. This can be used to search/filter Submittal Packages for a specific assigned Submitting Company.  (This is the submitting Company listed within the Package)

By BIC = A dropdown that is populated with the list Companies that have a Project Member assigned to the project. This can be used to search/filter Submittal Packages that are BIC a specific company. As a reference, below is a screenshot of where the Ball in Court for a Submittal Package is displayed within the Submittals section.

Only Overdue = A selectable checkbox that allows for a search/filter for packages that contain overdue Submittal Items.

Only Open = A selectable checkbox that allows for a search/filter for packages that contain Submittal Items that are in a non-complete stage.


The sorting options at the bottom of the Submittal Packages Report allows users to control the order in which the information is sorted on the PDF print of the report. The three sorting options are: None, Package Number, Package Revision Number. 

Once filters and sorting have been applied, using the Run button will run the filters on the project data and return results for viewing.  

Submittals Detail Report

About the Submittals Detail Report

The Submittals Detail Report is the detailed report for the Submittals section. This report includes the specific details about each Submittal Item held within Submittal Packages. 

Filters & Sorting

Show Grids = Includes gridlines on the PDF Print of the Submittals Detail Report

By Submitting Company = A dropdown that is populated with the list Companies that have a Project Member assigned to the project. This can be used to search/filter Submittal Items for a specific assigned Submitting Company. (This is the Responsible Subcontractor within a Submittal Item)

By BIC = A dropdown that is populated with the list Companies that have a Project Member assigned to the project. This can be used to search/filter Submittal Items that are BIC a specific company. 

By Status = A multi-select field that allows for a search/filter to specific Submittal Item Statuses. To select multiple, hold CTRL on the keyboard and click each with the mouse.

By Package Number = A text entry field that can be used to search/filter Submittal Items for a specific package number.

By Package Description = A text entry field that can be used to search/filter Submittal Items for a specific package description. 

Look in folder = A dropdown that is populated by the subfolders that have been created within the Submittals section of the Project Management module. This can be used to search/filter Submittal Items by a specific folder/subfolder set. 

Date Due From = A date selector that allows selection of the starting date to search/filter for Submittal Item Due Dates.

Date Due To = A date selector that allows users to assign the ending date to search/filter for Submittal Item Due Dates. 

Only Overdue = A selectable checkbox that allows the report to search/filter to Submittal Items that are overdue.

Only Open = A selectable checkbox that allows the report to search/filter to Submittal Items that are in a non-complete Submittal item Stage. 

Only Transmitted = A selectable checkbox that allows the report to search/filter to Submittal Items that have been submitted for review via a Submittal Transmittal. 

Most Current = A selectable checkbox that allows the report to search/filter to Submittal Items that are the most current revision. 

Show BIC = Defaults as selected.  A selectable checkbox that allows the PDF print of the report to include the BIC.  The Submittal Item BIC is determined by Submittal item Stage: Created, Submitted, Returned, or Complete.

  • Created = the company of the From (Project Manager) of the Submittal Package 
  • Submitted = the company of the To (Reviewing Company) of the Submittal Package
  • Returned = the Submitting Company of the Submittal Package when the Submittal Item is in the stage of Returned. (The stage of Returned is assigned to all "non-approved" submittals that require resubmission)
  • Complete - the submittal BIC is blank. The item has been through the process and is in the stage of Complete. It has been revised and resubmitted or approved.

Show Item Notes = A selectable checkbox that allows the PDF print of the report to include any notes included to the Submittal Items' Notes section.


The sorting options at the bottom of the Submittals Detail Report allows users to control the order in which the information is sorted on the PDF print of the report. The seven sorting options are: None, Package Number, Package Revision Number, Item Number, Item Revision Number, Date Due, and Status. 

Once filters and sorting have been applied, using the Run button will run the filters on the project data and return results for viewing.

Viewing the Results

Once the filters are entered, use the run button to apply the filters to the project information held within the Submittals Section.  The Submittal Report preview grid will populate with the results based on the entered filter criteria.

Submittal Packages Report:

Submittals Detail Report:

The filtered report can also be printed to a PDF by using the Print icon in the top ribbon.

A copy of the filtered report that was generated using Print can also be sent out via a Project Transmittal by using the Transmit button in the top ribbon and completing the Transmittal

Both the Submittal Packages Report and the Submittals Detail Report can be exported to a .csv file. 

Additional Resources

Creating Submittals

Out-of-the-Box Print Example PDFs

If the standard, out-of-the-box print of the report does not meet an organization's need, there is the opportunity to customize any print or report via our Professional Services Group. Submit to a markup of the report with details about customizations or changes. The Report Writers will review the request and advise if the customization request can be completed, the cost, and the turnaround of the customized report.