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About the Organization Report

The Organization Report has two report options: Size/Status and Detailed

The detailed version of this report shows the responsible project manager, architect, superintendent, and owner for each project. The Size/Status version shows each project in your organization (including start date, status, and disk space), in alphabetical order.

The Organization Report can only be accessed by Organization Admins and Organization User's with the elevated Site Level Permission to "View Organization Reports"

The Filters

By Project Status = A dropdown that is populated by all of the available Project Statuses.

Report Type =  A dropdown to choose the type of report to generate, a Size/Status report or a Detailed Report

By Organization  Will automatically be selected as the Organization in which the report is being viewed. No selection can be made here. 

By Project Creation Date From =A date selector that allows the start date to search/filter for Project's created

By Project Creation Date To = A date selector that allows the end date to search/filter for Project's created 

Show Deleted Projects = Allows the report to include deleted projects within the search/filter

Show Deleted Users = Allows the report to include deleted Organization users within the search/filter

Once filters have been applied, using the Run button will run the filters on the project data and return results for viewing.

Viewing the Results

Once the filters are entered, use the Run button to apply the entered filters to the available data. The preview grid will populate with the results based on the entered filter criteria. 

Additionally, the report can be exported as a .csv file by selecting the Export to CSV option in the preview grid or as an .xls

Additional Resources

Organization Reports