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About Forecast Labor Categories

The StratusVue website allows for numerous category codes for the Labor allocation within a Project's Advanced List Management. For companies that do use more than one labor allocation category, there is a project setting that allows users to select at the project level the category that is used to represent the labor allocation within the forecast. 

Out-of-the-box, standard forecast worksheets utilize the category code of L to group all Labor categories - even when multiple Labor allocation category codes are in use. All Labor allocations are shown under the Category of L within the Forecast. 

It is important to note, for Organizations not utilizing the category code of L within the project, this setting MUST be set for projects to determine which category code will be used instead of L within forecasts. 

If completing forecasts summarized by cost code, this setting does not apply. 

Setting a Project's Forecast Labor Category

1. Navigate to Project Defaults

2. Open the Defaults Tab

3. Within the Cost Management Process and Configuration section, find the Forecast Labor Category dropdown

4. Select from the available labor allocation categories the category code that should be used in the forecast. Please note, the available labor allocation categories is defined by the Project's List Management.

5. Select Update at the bottom of the page

All newly created Forecast Worksheets will show the selected category code for each cost code.

Additional Resources

Standard Detailed Forecasting

Summarized Forecasting by Cost Code

Project Defaults