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Download the Punch List Import Template

1. Navigate to the Punch List section

2. Select the Import tab in the top ribbon

3. Select the Import Button

4. Choose the template type and click the hyperlink to the right. 

** A blank copy of the template can also be found attached at the bottom **

5. Save the file locally for completion.

Complete the Punch List Import Template

Complete the import file for each new Punch List Item that should be generated via the Import. 

Required Fields: (Columns A,B,E,F,J,K,L,M)

Number, Summary, Issue Date, Due Date, Status, Owner Status, Sub Status, Arch Status

Optional Fields: (Columns C,D,G,H,I,N,O,P,Q,R)

Document Number, Notifying Party, Date Completed, Cost Impact, Comments, Site-Location, Building Category, Floor, Room 

Please note, Document Number and Notifying Party are not imported fields. Documents and Responsible Parties need to be assigned to each Punch List Item after they are created via an import. 

Import Punch List Items from the Import Template

1. Navigate to the Punch List section

2. Select the Import tab in the top ribbon

3. Select the Import Button

4. Select Browse to browse and select the locally saved file

5. Select the Upload File button once the file has been selected for upload

6. Confirm the mapping screen

The destination column is the field in the site, the source column is the column from the spreadsheet. If the column headers are changed, manual mapping will need to be completed.

7. Select Import Punch List

The website will confirm the number of successfully inserted records, select the Return to the Punch Lists button.

The Punch Lists grid will be updated with the successfully imported Punch List Items

Additional Resources

Editing and Adding Punch List Items via Import

Punch Lists

Punch List Report: Sending More than One Punch List

Punch Lists in the Mobile App