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About Bid Package Messages

Within each Bid Package, there is the functionality to send Bid Messages out to Bidders. Bid Messages can be anything from advising that new drawings have been uploaded, extending the Bid Due Date, to letting bidders know more details about an upcoming site walk. 

The Bid Package Message that is included out-of-the-box when a new Bid Management subscription is purchased can be customized for an organization at any time via the StratusVue Professional Services - Custom Reporting Team. If you are interested in customizing the Bid Package Message that is emailed, please contact

Creating a New Bid Package Message

1. Navigate to the Bid Package that a new message is being created

2. In the top ribbon, select the Addendums tab

3. Select Add Message

4. In the New Bid Package Message pop-up, enter the message details

5. Select the green checkbox at the top to save the message to the Bid Package

Please note, at this stage the bid package has not been sent. Please continue on to the next section of this article to learn more about sending a Bid Package Message.

Sending a Bid Package Message

To send the bid message, there are a few options. The Bulk Send options are available at the top of the Bid Message and can be used to send the message to bidders based on a specific bidder status. The specific bidder option is a way to send the bid message email to only a specific subset of bidders. 

Sending a Bid Message in Bulk

1. Open the Bid Message that is being sent from the Messages grid of the Bid Package by selecting the subject

2. Select the bulk send option at the top for the bulk send that is being completed

Bidders that have not answered

Selecting the Bidders that have not answered checkbox will bulk send this message to all listed bidders of the bid package that have not answered, or updated their bidder status (status = Not Answered)

Bidders that will bid

Selecting the Bidders that will bid checkbox will bulk send this message to all listed bidders of the bid package that have answered that they will bid, or updated their bidder status to will bid (status = yes)

Bidders that have been notified

Selecting the Bidders that have been notified checkbox will bulk send this message to all listed bidders of the bid package that have been sent the bid package, regardless of their status. This bulk send is based on the ITB Sent column (the column that indication the Invitation to Bid from the Bid Package was sent). This checkbox can only be used by itself, it cannot be used alongside either of the two checkboxes described above.

3. Once the bulk email option has been selected, use the Mail button at the top to save the message and transmit the message to the bidders in bulk based on the above. 

4. Select yes in the pop-ups 

5. The message will be sent and the pop-up window will close automatically and return the user to the Bid Package

Sending a Bid Message to Specific Bidders

1. Open the Bid Message that is being sent from the Messages grid of the Bid Package by selecting the subject

2. Deselect all Bulk Send options at the top of the message

3. Scroll down to the Bidders by Division List within the message

4. Expand the bidders by division grid


5. Select bidders to send the bid message email by checking their checkbox


6. Use the Mail button at the top to save the message and transmit the message to the selected Bidders

7. The system will confirm the number of bidders selected that the message will be sent, select ok

8. The message will be sent to the selected bidders and the pop-up window will close automatically and return the user to the Bid Package 

Public Messages vs. Private Messages

Public Bid Messages

Public bid messages will be available to all listed bidders of the bid package when they are logged into the StratusVue Platform website Bid Package. All Bid Messages are created as Public Messages by default. Public Messages need to be used for bulk sends. 

Private Bid Messages

To create a private bid message, follow all the steps for creating a new bid message, with the exception of scrolling to the bottom and updating the bid message to a private message

Private Messages will only be available to bidders that have been given access to the private message. Private Messages need to be sent to specific bidders that have been given access.

To give a bidder access to a private message:

1. Expand the Bidders by Division grid

2. Select the bidders that should be able to see this bid message

3. Use the green CW option at the top to toggle the bidders access to the bid message

This will update the user's permission to the private message to "Can View"

To remove a bidder's access to a private message:

1. Expand the Bidders by Division grid within the bid message

2. Select the bidders that should notsee this bid message

3. Use the red CW option at the top to toggle the bidders access to the bid message

Private bid messages can also be sent via email to the bidders by selecting them and using the email option in the top ribbon. 

Additional Resources

Bid Packages

Managing the Invitation to Bid