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About Punch Lists

The Punch Lists section of the Project Management Module is the location for managing and maintaining all punch list items for a project. 

As a Project Management section, the Punch Lists section can have a folder structure created to organize Punch List items. When folders are used in any Project Management module, Folder Access will control what Project Members can do and see within each Punch List subfolder. 

Creating Punch List Items

In order to create new Punch Lists, Project Members will need Write permission to the Punch List section. In order to create new punch list items within a subfolder, the project will need Write folder access to the subfolder. 

Punch list items can also be imported from Excel.

1. Navigate to the Punch List section/subfolder where the punch list item will be created

2. Select the New Punch List Item icon in the top ribbon

3. Complete the punch list item details

The required fields of a punch list item are: Punch List Number, Summary, Issued Date, Due Date, and the statuses. The Punch List Item number will auto number, however any numbering scheme is accepted. The statuses are defaulted to open. The fields on the right are optional, however, do offer more detail about the punch list. 

4. Assign the Responsible Parties by scrolling down and selecting the blue plus icon to the right of the Responsible Parties grid. This opens The User Selection Tool

Reminder: Being a Responsible Party or CC to a project management item makes the Project Member a "collaborator" of that item. Collaboration allows for the Project Member to upload attachments, participate in discussions, and add CC users (where applicable), and receive all email notifications regarding the punch list item. For more information please visit Project Member Permissions.

5. Assign any CC's by scrolling down and selecting the blue plus icon to the right of the CC's grid. This opens The User Selection Tool

 6. Include file attachments by dragging and dropping into the box or using Browse File(s) and selecting Upload File(s). Additionally, existing document module folders and/or files can be "referenced" by using The Document Reference Tool

7. Select Save (Save & New will take the user immediately into the next punch list item. Save & Copy will take the user immediately to the next punch list item, but containing a copy of all of the details entered in the current punch list item being created)

Transmitting Punch List Items

1. Navigate to the punch list item that will be Transmitted. Make sure it's ready to send!

2. Select the Submit button in the top ribbon

3. The punch list item will then be Transmitted to the Project Members listed as Responsible Parties and all listed CC's.

Punch list items are sent individually out of the Project Management module. An alternative method for sending is available Punch List Report: Sending More than One Punch List

Closing Punch List Items

One the date completed as been filled out and the punch list item is fully resolved, the overall status of the punch list item can be set to closed. Though there are 4 statuses that can be captured for a punch list, the (By Contractor) Status is what controls the overall status of the punch list. The other statuses would be updated as the punch list item moves through the punch list process. 

Batch Close from Grid

1. Navigate to the punch list section/subfolder where multiple punch list items will be closed

2. Select the applicable punch list items within the Punch Lists grid

3. In the top ribbon, select the Close button

Please note that all statuses can be updated this way using the other available Close buttons. 

Individually Close

1. Navigate to the punch list section/subfolder where the punch list items resides

2. Change the Status (By Contractor) field to closed

3. Select Update

Please note, that all statuses can be updated this way using their applicable dropdown and using Save

Deleting Punch List Items

The Delete permission and folder access permission are required for deleting punch list items

1. Navigate to the punch list section/subfolder

2. Select the applicable punch list items within the Punch Lists grid

3. Select Delete Selected Punch Lists

Punch lists can also be deleted individually within the grid.

Additional Resources

Project Member Permissions

Project Management Folder Access

Importing Punch Lists

Editing and Adding Punch List Items via Import

Punch List Report: Sending More than One Punch List

System Tool: The User Selection Tool

The Document Reference Tool