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Creating a Contract Pencil Draw

1. Navigate to the Cost Management Module and select Pencil Draws

2. The system will default open to the Contract pencil draw tab

This is the Summary Screen for the Contract Pencil Draws for the project. This grid shows the Summary/Overview for each Contract Pencil Draw

3. Select Create Draw

4. Open newly created Contract Pencil Draw from the Contract Pencil Draw Summary Grid

The Contract Pencil Draw has been created off of the project's Contract Info section. All contract Items will be listed

Updating the Contract Pencil Draw

Each Contract Item from Contract Info will show as a Line Item within the Contract Pencil Draw grid. 


1. Enter the Invoice Number

2. Enter the Invoice Date

3. Enter the Date Period of the Pencil Dra

4. Select blue Save on Date Period

5. Select the blue Edit button to open the Contract Pencil Draw line item that is being updated

6. Enter the percentage for the work completed or the monetary value being requested for the Original Contract Values and Approved Changes for the contract line item being updated

*Note* Entering a percentage will automatically calculate the monetary value

*Note* Maximum allowed is 100% of the value

Approved Changes 
Original Contract Values 
Prev ious 
55.00% 0.0000 
Cha nges 
Prev ious 
0.00% 0.0000


7. If applicable, enter the requested value for stored material into the Material column for the contract line item being updated

Note: Stored Material is a manually controlled field. If being used, please address on each Pencil Draw.

Req uested Va Iue 
Total Materia I 
Prev ious 


8. Enter the percentage or monetary value for the Retainage amount for the contract line item being updated

*Note* The % retained percentage is automatically populated by the retainage percentage entered in Project Defaults of the project

This Period 
% Amount 
Reta ined Reta ined


9. Use the checkmark in the left Edit column to Save changes

*Note* To Cancel changes and leave the edit screen of the Contract Item without saving, use the X in the edit column

10. Repeat for each Contract Item


Sharing the Contract Pencil Draw


The Contract Pencil Draw can be exported to an Excel®  Workbook. The export will mimic the Pencil Draw Item Grid

1. Navigate inside the Pencil Draw to be exported

2. Select Export

3. Once the export has downloaded, open the file



The Contract Pencil Draw can be printed to a PDF file. 

1. Navigate inside the Pencil Draw to be printed

2. Select Print

3. A PDF will be generated in a pop up

Note: It is important that pop-ups are allowed by the browser being utilized to access the site


Comparing the Standard Contract Pencil Draw Print to the Contract Pencil Draw Item Grid


A and B 
sr. 500



The Contract Pencil Draw can be Transmitted to the listed Responsible Owners Rep that is set in Project Defaults

1. Navigate inside the Pencil Draw to be Transmitted

2. Select Transmit

Understanding the Contract Pencil Draw Summary Grid

Contract Pencil Draws 
Contract Values 
Pencil Draw 
Invoice No. 
Invoice Date 
Created Date 
Date Period 
Prev ious 
Work Complete 
Sto red 
Reta ined 
This Period 
Reta i ned 
Tota I 
% Complete 
Reta ined 
Balance to 
Create Draw 
Cha nges 
Tota I 
Tota I


Pencil Draw - This columns shows all of the Contract Pencil Draws that have been created for the Project. Selecting  the Pencil Draw will open the Pencil Draw

Invoice Number - This column shows the Invoice Number that is entered into the Pencil Draw

Invoice Date - This column shows the Invoice Date that is entered into the Pencil Draw

Created Date - This column shows the date the Pencil Draw was created

Date Period - This column shows the Date Period that is entered into the Pencil Draw

Contract Values

Original - This column shows the total of the Original Contract Values within the Contract Info section

Approved Changes - This column shows the total the approved Contract Change Events that have been issued in the Contract Events sections. (This can also be seen in the Contract Info section)

Total - This column shows the Total Contract Value. (Original + Approved Changes = Total Contract)

Work Complete

Previous - This column shows the total amount requested form the previous Pencil Draw

This Period - This column shows the total amount requested within the specific Pencil Draw

Total - This column shows the sum of previous and this period

This Period

% Retained - This column shows the total retainage percentage held for work completed for the specific period 

Retained Amount - This column shows the total monetary value of retainage held for work completed for the specific period

Total Retained - This column shows the cumulative total monetary value of retainage

% Complete - This column shows the overall percentage complete

Balance to Complete - This column shows the total balance to complete for the project

Status - This column shows the status of the Pencil Draw


Understanding the Contract Pencil Draw Item Grid

This is a listing of all Contract Items and Approved Changes to those Contract Items


Edit - This column holds the edit button  for the specific contract line item (See Updating the Contract Pencil Draw)

Draw - This column shows each Contract Item Number and Contract Item Description

Contract - This column shows the Contract Number for the specific contract line item (your site allows multiple contracts per project)

Extra - This column shows the Extra assigned to the Contract Item. Please note, Extras are setup in Sage 300 and can be displayed in the StratusVue websites. Extras are fully controlled by the integrated Sage 300 Environment. 

Original Contract Values 

Original - This column shows the Original Contract value for the specific contract line item


% Previous - This column shows the % requested from the previous Pencil Draw for the previous period for Original Contract Values  for the specific contract line item

Current - These two columns show the percentage or monetary value for the work completed for this current period on Original Contract Values for the specific contract line item

Approved Changes 

Approved Changes -  This column shows the total amount of Approved Changes  for the specific contract line item


% Previous -  This column shows the % requested from the previous Pencil Draw for the previous period for Approved Changes for the specific contract line item

Current - These two columns show the percentage or monetary value for the work completed for this current period on Approved Changes for the specific contract line item

Total Value - This column shows the Total Contract Value of the Contract Item (Original + Approved Changes = Total Value) for the specific contract line item

Requested Value

Previous - This column shows the monetary value requested in Previous Pencil Draw  for the specific contract line item

Current - This column shows the monetary value of current requested value of this Pencil Draw  for the specific contract line item

Total - This column shows the total monetary value requested to date (Previous + Current = Total) for the specific contract line item

Material - This column shows the monetary value requested for Stored Material of this Pencil Draw for the specific contract line item

This Period

% Retained - This column shows the total retainage percentage held for work completed for the specific contract line item

Retained Amount - This column shows the total monetary value of retainage held for work completed for the specific contract line item

Total Retained - This column shows the monetary value of all retainage held  for the specific contract line item

% Complete - This columns shows the percentage complete  for the specific contract line item

Balance to Complete - This columns shows the monetary value of the balance to complete  for the specific contract line item


Originator - This column shows the status set by the "Originator" for the specific contract line item

Reviewer - This column shows the status set by the "reviewer"  for the specific contract line item


Additional Features Within Contract Pencil Draw

Finalize Draw 

- Selecting the Finalize Draw button locks down the draw and removes edit button option. It also updates all contract line item statuses to final

- When draw is finalized, this button will turn to Re-Open Draw

Contract Item Statuses 

- Allows for tracking 3 different statuses for both the Originator and Reviewer

Origi nator 
Sta tus 



The discussion section allows for a built-in discussion board for all participating collaborators to post comments regarding the Pencil Draw


Post a Discussion Reply

1. Navigate to the Pencil Draw

2. Scroll to the bottom Discussions section

3. Type Comment into the Comment Box

4. Select Post Comment

Additional Resources

Cost Management Attachments: Assigning a Description, Sort Order, and Marking as Private

Releasing Contract Pencil Draw Retainage