Note: Expediting Log CSI Codes must be fully expanded to show items for conversion to submittal in order to process 


Checkbox one or multiple Expediting Log Item(s) and click Create Submittal in top ribbon bar.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


A pop-up window will be presented to select which folder to house that submittal package in. Choose the number of the desired package and click Create to go to the newly created Submittal Package.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


Note: If the Submittal package number is already in use, users will be asked if the submittal item being created should be in the existing submittal package, or a new package. Selecting Existing will add this item to the package, selecting new submittal package will prompt the user to enter a new, unused submittal package number for creation

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


In the Submittal Package you will see all pertinent information ready to submit for review

  1. Each item may be submitted, approved/unapproved, and processed individually
  2. Submittal item is created from the information that was gathered from the Expediting Log in conversion
  3. The item still exists in the log with a status of Converted to Submittal