The Submittals section of the Mobile App is Read Only. Submittal Actions will still need to be completed within the website. 



When within a Project, on the Mobile Navigation Tree to the left, select Submittals


Once you have opened the Submittals Section, you will see a listing of any Sub-folders and Submittal Packages that you have been granted access.  Sub-folders will be at the top, notated with an arrow to the right. Submittal Packages will be listed at the bottom.


Selecting a Submittal Package will allow you to view the Submittal Package information as well as Submittal Items within that Submittal Package. At the bottom you will also find Submittal Package Attachments that are able to be viewed via the Mobile App.




Selecting a Submittal Item will let you open that Individual Submittal Item for viewing. At the bottom you will also find Submittal Item Attachments that are able to be viewed via the Mobile App with the built in PDF Viewer