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About Processing Contract Events

Contract Cost Event Types are "tiered" within the StratusVue Platform website. Lower tiered contract cost events can be processed into higher tiered cost event documents. The final tier contract cost event is the Contract Change Order.

From within a Change Order, project members also have the ability to Process From Lower Tier Contract Events.

Processing Contract Events from the Contract Event Type Grid (Single or Multiple)

1. Navigate to the lower tier Contract Event Type folder within Contract Events

2. Select the lower tier contract events that are being processed into a higher tiered document

3. Select Process in the top ribbon

Please note that the Cost Event Items can be Pending or Approved. If the items are in the status of pending, the system will indicate in the pop-up any items that are noted as Pending and that they will be set to Approved

4. Select the Destination Cost Event Type (the higher tier document), and select if the Destination Cost Event will be a new event is an existing event

If existing, the screen after save will show all available higher tier pending change orders

5. Select Copy or Summary

Only when processing to a Change Order is the summary option available. This summarizes the lower tier document, including markup, into one single line item in the change order. The copy option copies the line items exactly as they are into the new document. 

6. Select OK

The screen will refresh, and the user will be brought to the newly created Contract Cost Event in the new Cost Event Type folder.



Attachment Handling

All attachments that are held in the lower-tier event will be carried forward when processed into a higher-level Change Event.  The attachments will be included to the attachments section automatically in the newly created event and marked as private; with a sort order of 0 (to allow for processing multiple). 

Additional Resources

Contract Cost Event Types

Contract Change Order: Process From Lower Tier Contract Events

Cost Management Attachments: Assigning a Description, Sort Order, and Marking as Private